The original online system, MERCStream, was formulated specifically for the
mortgagee in possession process. It is unique and has been custom built by Merc to
be a state of the art information warehouse, communication tool and reporting tool.
MERCStream was built first and foremost to manage the processes, procedures,
panels, databases and templates of our business together with their variations
between Lenders, Solicitors, Mortgage Insurers and states. MERCStream has
enabled file operators to manage a single file for a significant period of its process
and still be cognizant of all the issues, compliance obligations and procedure.
Merc owns the intellectual property, which is a key feature that sets us apart from
our competition.
Our server is housed in a secure, data replicated, Australian cloud environment with
high speed connections ensuring there is no drop in performance even during high
traffic periods. Being web based allows 24/7 availability and many simultaneous
connections and access via a Windows, Apple, Linux and even Android based phones
and tablets.
MERCStream also has integration into Google Maps. The user is only 1 click away
from viewing the Street View image as well as a birds-eye-view of the property on
a map of the region. This can also be set by user preferences to see a basic map, an
aerial image or a combination of both, giving a high level of detail of the local area.
With live data being presented to the Client as it is received by Merc, it is easy to
check the current status on each individual file. Whether you need the current
valuation or wish to check an auction date, all the information is accessible through
the easy to use, intuitive and secure interface. We can provide any requested report
based on the Mortgagee in Possession process, such as quarterly performance
reports or weekly possession/auction reports. To enable viewing of property photos,
a slide show option exists. The accounts tab permits Clients to view expenditure to
date, what quotes have been approved and what has been invoiced.
Loved by Customers
With it's easy to use design, and wealth of information at your fingertips, you will wonder how you got along without it
Well Documented
With a constantly changing landscape in the Mortgagee In Possession industry, keeping information up to date is essential
MERCStream is continually updated and upgrade, with both software and hardware, to maintain its top of the line performance and reliability
Customised to each client who uses MERCStream, we have created a user experience that will seem familiar almost instantly
Key Features
Customer Support
With dedicated IT support staff on-site, we can attend swiftly to any support request
With security measures on par with major lending institutions, you can be assured your data is safe and secure
Available 24/7
With 24/7 availability and a 99.9% uptime guarantee, you can access MERCStream Anytime. Anywhere
Backup & Disaster Recovery
With real-time data replication, offsite backups & robust disaster recovery procedures in place, we are well equipped to keep business as usual, in every scenario
Google Maps Integration
Quickly locate the subject property with the click of a button using Google Maps
File Tracking
Step by step milestones to assist Clients and third parties in understanding the process and where it is up to.
Photo Galleries
You can access all of the photos on a file in one place with the click of a button. Everything from Drive By to pre-settlement lawn mowing
Unlimited Users
With administrator access you can create unlimited user accounts and even restrict user access to certain files.
and more...
With the level of detail we capture in our database, the possibilities are endless. Want to know the average pool cleaning price in regional NSW for a given year? we can drill down to that fine a detail.
The luxury we have with building our own product is we can built it to suit our requirements. We have processes built-in for every state and territory requirement for every step in the process. We can also tailor it to your specific needs and requirements.